Posted in Optimism and Peace

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are magical magnets that attract positive situations and turn desires into reality. Positive affirmation is simply uplifting self-talk. Positive vibes are highly needed for self-improvement and confidence. These affirmations not only shape up our persona but also helps in making the world a better place by converting negativity into optimism. Positive thoughts can rewire our brains and empower our lives. Being optimistic is not a deception or an illusion. It is not about false hopes and self-obsession. It is a realisation of self-worth and an art of self-love. You cannot fall in love with yourself if you are always pessimistic. 

Make a promise to believe in yourself and take care of your mental health. Know that you are worthy, think of yourself like a diamond who cannot be broken. A good mental attitude is the key to conquer the world. Who doesn’t like to feel good? The feel good feeling comes from positive affirmations which leads to a good mood and a better day!

Here are some positive affirmations to help you be on top of the game:

  1. I am worthy and I don’t need to prove my worth to anyone
  2. I complete myself. I am a whole and I don’t want anybody to complete me because I am not incomplete without anybody
  3. I have a life and I will make sure that it is a good one
  4. I am a priority. I am not going to let anybody treat me as an afterthought
  5. I don’t care about what others think of me. I have better things to do than to agonize over other’s confusing behaviours
  6. I am desirable and I will never doubt it.
  7. I see myself from my own eyes, not through other’s eyes and I have nothing to complain about when I see myself
  8. I expect a lot and get a lot. I never expect little. It’s important to dream big to be big
  9. I always define myself through my strengths not weaknesses
  10. I am super confident and a go-getter
  11. I am independent and my world doesn’t revolve around anybody else
  12. I value respect not attention
  13. I am interesting and I don’t have to work hard to keep people interested
  14. I trust my gut and my intuition is never wrong
  15. I am not afraid to be alone as I love my own company
  16. I deserve love, happiness and respect. Nobody can treat me wrong 
  17. I am hard to get, not desperate. A queen/king doesn’t chase 
  18. am perfect. Imperfection is perfection 
  19. I am valuable. My value doesn’t need anyone’s stamp of approval
  20. I love myself. I create my own happiness 

Read these affirmations from time to time to boost your morale

Be Positive and Take Care!



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